
Pastor Randy Pabst


It all started when…

Like the bumper-sticker states, "Not a native, but I got here is soon as I could!"  In my case at the ripe old age of four weeks growing up in Aurora, CO.  Following College at Midland Lutheran University in Nebraska and Seminary at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, I have had the privilege to serve in a variety of congregational settings from Associate Pastor, to solo Pastor, to Mission Developer, to lead Pastor positions in Colorado, Wyoming, and northern California.  

Following retirement after nearly 40 years of ordained ministry, I have served as an Interim Pastor in three congregations as they prepared to call new Pastoral leadership.  I am now in my third year as Pastor of Spiritual Formation here at LCHope.

Over the course of my ministry I have been profoundly blessed to have shared this journey with my wife, Susan, and my two daughters, Katie and Joanna.

Simply put, my goal is help people discover a new spiritual growth that is not self directed but points to the greater good of all of God's creation through forgiveness, love, service and sacrifice.  Jesus came not to be served but to serve and promised that he would always be there to see us through whatever life might throw our way, empowering us to be his hands, and feet, and voice, and heart to the world!